Mark Previte

Candidate Recording Secretary

Mark Previte

What Should Be One of the Future Directions of PCSS?

Since the economic crash of 2008, public schools have witnessed a mass exodus of teachers from their schools. Current media reports indicate that schools are reporting a shortage of faculty members, especially in the social studies. Consequently, teacher education programs across the nation have reported a marked decline in their student cohort population. Teacher observations that our “calling” is an undesirable professional path due to the far-reaching impact of No Child Left Behind have influenced students to reject a teaching career. PCSS must develop a plan to marshal our resources to mobilize our membership to recruit new members from the current teacher ranks and find pathways to begin a recruitment program in our public and private schools. Each one of us can recall that extraordinary social studies teacher who made a difference in our lives by modeling the characteristics and dispositions of an effective citizen. We must redouble our efforts so that future generations of students will continue our noble tradition of “creating effective citizens.”

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