Thank You to Our

PCSS Conference Sponsors

10/20/23 – Gilded Age & the Progressive Era
Time: 8:00-3:00 PM 
Location: Heinz History Center (Pittsburgh)
Program Abstract: Explore Bill of Rights Institute resources to help engage your students in examining how the United States adapted to the rapid technological, social, economic, and political changes that occurred in the decades after the Civil War. Teachers will leave with classroom-ready lessons!

10/21/23 – Civics in the 20th Century

Time: 8:00-3:00 PM
Location: Historical Society of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)

Program Abstract: This Civics Summit invites teachers to interact with the Bill of Rights Institute (BRI) staff, scholars, other civic organizations, and fellow teachers as we explore what it means to teach civics in classrooms today. Teachers will participate in breakout sessions using BRI materials, practice classroom discourse strategies, and network with peers to learn about and share practical classroom strategies.

10/23/23 - Civics Education Summit

Time: 7:30-3:00 PM

Location: The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Program Abstract: This event will demonstrate excitement and enthusiasm for Civics through the sharing of resources, planning for a Student Civics Projects and Competition Summit in the Spring, and training teachers on the Bill of Rights Institute’s MyImpact Challenge contest. Learn more about BRI resources and experience some of their lessons firsthand.

12/9-10/23 – Plainest Demands of Justice: A Colloquium

Time: 12:00-6:00 PM on 12/9 & 8:00 AM-12:00 PM on 12/10

Location: Westin Pittsburgh

Program Abstract: This Bill of Rights Institute program will explore a discussion of race and equality by rooting the conversation in natural rights and the Declaration of Independence. Participants will engage in dialogue and discuss the Black experience using the primary sources and dialogues within the resource. Participants will also model and explore the pedagogical approach of Socratic practice, focusing on practical applications for their classrooms.