Dr. Rose Reissman

Dr. Rose Reissman, a legendary New York City educator and friend of PCSS, offers these projects as a way Pennsylvania educators and students can share history and current events. Dr. Rose encourages her Pennsylvania friends to share their ideas with PCSS and to use any idea of hers if it inspires them. Inspiring folks has been Dr. Rose's lifelong work!

Dr. Rose


Student Profiles


Friends & Colleagues

Dr. Rose's Commentary, Quips, and Inspiration

Take a moment to be inspired by Dr. Rose's humor, intellect, and dedication to the students she has committed to mentor.

New Strategy

New Strategy

Soapbox Speech “Arti-facted” in a Shoebox Over the last decade or so, the 1930’s podium for citizens “speaking” out about issues, a market soap...

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Student Profiles

Meet the amazing students Dr. Rose and her colleagues are honored to work with and mentor.

Educational Resources

A special collection of helpful lesson plans, books, and teaching aids created by Dr. Rose and colleagues.

Rendell Center for Civics Read Aloud

Readings to inspire and to nurture young reader citizens now

Current Events

Current Events and Guest & Colleague Submissions

20th Anniversary of 9/11

Dr. Rose offers this project as a way Pennsylvania educators and students can share in the solemn celebration of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Check out her model and see what one student has already done with the project by interviewing her father. Audio...