LEAP 50th—2024-2025
The mission of the Law, Education and Participation Project of the Temple University School of Law (Temple-LEAP) was to educate non-lawyers, particularly K-12 students from Philadelphia area schools, about the law and citizenship. Started in 1974, LEAP reached these goals by teaching about principles of democracy while developing critical reading, writing and thinking skills, mostly by sending law students into the local schools. LEAP also developed a statewide Public/Private partrnership to promote law-related education.
LEAP is the original source, back in the late 70s, for what has become the Pennsylvania High School Mock Trial Program. Although LEAP’s role at Temple is much more limited today, it still supports the John S. Bradway Philadelphia High School Mock Trial Program.
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LEAP is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Its work today is focused on the high school mock trial program, through which individual law students, supported by faculty and outside resource persons, have developed and run projects such as youth courts in local schools.
You can support LEAP’s 50th, advertise in the program, and contribute to the event here.
LEAP 50th will be celebrating the anniversary throughout the year, which you can see highlighted by the countdown clock. Funds raised in excess of the cost of the website and other LEAP 50th events will be donated to the Cahn Collaborative in honor of the greatest poverty lawyer of the past 6o years, Edgar Cahn, whose work on youth courts inspires the continuation of youth court programs started by Temple-LEAP in the last century.
Many of the LEAP 50 events will be centered in Swarthmore. Cahn was a graduate of Swarthmore College (and past LEAP Executive Directors Beth Farnbach and David Keller Trevaskis lived in Swarthmore). Swarthmore was also the home of John S. Bradway, whose fund supports the ongoing LEAP activities of running the Philadelphia High School mock trial competition named in his honor. Read about Bradway, who was born and raised in Swarthmore, here.
LEAP 50th 2024-2025 is Here
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