I Want To Help
PCSS Membership
Conference Sponsors
PCSS Sponsors
Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies
PCSS promotes quality Social Studies education from kindergarten to higher learning by:
- Advocating the Social Studies at all levels of education in Pennsylvania.
- Promoting the analysis, dissemination and evaluation of Social Studies materials.
- Examining and recommending certification requirements for teachers.
- Assisting educators in organizing local Social Studies councils for professional development.
- Cooperating with schools, districts, intermediate units and other interested parties on Social Studies projects.
The Cahn Collaborative is a loosely organized group of programs and individuals intended to both honor and perpetuates the life work of Edgar Cahn. See https://pcssonline.org/the-cahn-collaborative/
NCSS Conference for 2024
Middle States Council for the Social Studies
We the People PA is a program of the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies.
FREE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT for Upper Elementary and Middle School Teachers!
Educator Development Opportunity
Five slots open at Boston training August 4th through 9th for Pennsylvania 4th-8th grade teachers working with high-need students, a $600 stipend, classroom materials, and more as part of a northeastern consortium.

Student Voices: Moments in History, Herstory, and Current Events
Latest News from PCSS
Attention Southeast PA Educators
As PCSS continues to undergo a year of revision and renewal, we are working with partners to provide many events for Pennsylvania social studies educators. Check out this opportunity— Attention Southeast PA Educators: You are invited to attend the first-ever...
PCSS Polled Veteran Teachers About Handling January 6th
PCSS polled some of our veteran teachers about how they are handling teaching about January 6th, and a number said that "because of the politics in their school district," they were not even mentioning it. Others are diving into the materials produced by the January...
Winter 2023 issue of Social Studies Journal (SSJ)
We are excited to share the Winter 2023 issue of Social Studies Journal (SSJ), a publication of the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies.
Upcoming Dates
- 104th NCSS Conference: November 22nd-24th, 2024
Historic Boston!