Project PEACE (Peaceful Endings through Authorities, Children and Educators), a partnership of the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General, the Pennsylvania Bar Association, the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation and the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies, is a peer-mediation, anti-bullying and youth court training program that enhances in Pennsylvania schools and communities the skills of non-violent conflict resolution and active civic engagement that are necessary for productive citizenship.
Assets and Resources
- Conflict Manager Program Elementary (PDF)
- Conflict Manager Program - Grades 3 to 5 (PDF)
- I Messages Through the Grades (DOC)
- Middle - Section C (PDF)
- Middle - Section D (PDF)
Additional Downloadable Assets
- Calvin and Hobbes (PDF)
- Meditation in the Schools (PDF)
- Civitas and the Professional School (PDF)
- Conflict Manager Program - High Schools (PDF)
Songs of Heroes
1.) Revolution of the Spirit