Dr. Rose Reissman, a legendary New York City educator and friend of PCSS, offers these projects as a way Pennsylvania educators and students can share history and current events. Dr. Rose encourages her Pennsylvania friends to share their ideas with PCSS and to use any idea of hers if it inspires them. Inspiring folks has been Dr. Rose's lifelong work!
Brooklyn Barbie Phd Fashionista
Most of the teachers wear costumes a few kids all love it. This is a place where the sad children have a bit of joy Downes was a ghoul, Amanda Madeline from Bemelman books , Angelo a ghost and Amy a character from Almost famous movie. Beginning of every class I explained that Barbie can be anything and I grand niece of a seamstress became a PhD fashionista and they too can become who and what they want to be.
Dr. Rose Colored Glasses
The glass art, "(Dr.) Rose colored glasses", were created by Fiza Kamran, Ditmas Middle School Ambassador and Writing Institute Arts Director.
Student Training in Advocacy, Rights, and Responsibilities (STARR) a student-led organization within the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies
The Meaning of Juneteenth
PCSS asked students of all ages to share with us their “take” on the meaning of Juneteenth. View the responses.
From Shoebox Art to Digital Soapbox Speech / Student Project: Literacy + Easy Art and Technology
Soapbox 21st Century, Powerful Podium for Literate Citizenship View or Download .docx
Watch "Joy Behar Adds Amanda Gorman's Book To Her 'Joy's
Ukraine Project
View an image gallery, videos, lesson material, and teaching aids for the Ukraine Project.
President Zelenskyy's Master Class on Being American
A lesson on learning how to be American, taught by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Special thanks to the team of educators, Dr. Reissman, Ms. Xavier, Mr. Carideo, Mr. Downes, Ms. Michel, Ms. Franzese, and Principal Marielena Santiago, NYC STARR Mentor.
Lessons in American Values and History From Zelenskyy | View or Download
20th anniversary of 9/11
Dr. Rose offers this project as a way Pennsylvania educators and students can share in the solemn celebration of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Check out her model and see what one student has already done with the project by interviewing her father. Audio File | Video | Quotes from Interview. Dr. Rose is available to support educators in implementing this project, a concrete, community connecting, authentic initiative that underscores how our country has endured tragedy and challenges to commemorate and continue.
The Heartbroken Shadows of 9/11 Download (PDF)
Fostering Student Voice-The Digital Soapbox Download (PDF)
Ditmas Educational Complex I.S.62: Ditmas Excellence @ PCSS Conference | View or Download (PDF)
Using Banned Books to Inspire Student Social Justice Leaders
A lesson from Dr. Rose Reissman on the importance of using banned books, fictional stories, and other alternative methods to inspire leadership in young students.
Student Reports on Banned Books (.docx) | View or Download
How to Inspire Student Social Justice Leaders with One Fictional Story at A Time (.docx) | View or Download
Sanitizing Author's Works to Change their Voice to one that fits 21st Century Politically Correct Language | View or download .doc
Educational Resources
Indigenous Persons Holiday designations- Make this study a class designation as well! | View or download .doc
Feelings, Facts, and Focus Forward-Making Trips Meaningful | View or download .doc
Students Learn to Express Their Perspective
A powerful and highly effective Social Studies teacher taught these students to express their perspectives. The best of the student Padlet responses. View or download .docx
Culture Day 2023 Book
United Nations Junior Ambassadors at Ditmas 2023
Bringing the Talk into the Classroom
PCSS polled some of our veteran teachers about how they are handling teaching about January 6th and a number said that, "because of the politics in their school district," they were not even mentioning it. Others are diving into the materials produced by the January 6th House Committee.
Our longtime PCSS colleague, Methacton High School social studies teacher (and Marine veteran) Anthony Maida, shared his approach:
I’m using Facing History and Ourselves lesson called “What Happened at the Insurrection at the US Capital and Why” and tying that to Madison’s Federalist 10. In Fed 10 Madison argues that an extended republic is necessary to prevent against domestic insurrection and the “mischiefs” of factions. I’ll couple it with an 8 minute video from the 2nd impeachment of Donald Trump as well as the Oscar winning documentary short called “A Night at the Garden” to show how factions have always been present in America but the “republican ideal” as Madison calls in can prevent these minority factions from doing too much damage to the nation. Essentially if people go out and vote, a minority faction will be controlled.
Facing History web link: https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/what-happened-during-insurrection-us-capitol-and-why
Federalist 10 web link: https://www2.oberlin.edu/faculty/gkornbl/GJK/H103F05/Fed10annotated-A.htm
A Night at the Garden web link: https://anightatthegarden.com/
Thank you, Anthony, (both for your service to your country and to your fellow social studies teachers by sharing your lesson).
Here are Dr. Rose's lessons on commemorative ceremonies:
Culturally Responsive Teaching Grades 4 and beyond | 9/11 20th Anniversary Commemorative Project
Here are wonderful presentations from some Ditmas students:

Countering Controversy with Commemoration, Conversation, Ceremonies and Collage: A Compelling and Collaborative Chat with Dr. Rose Reissman
Download or View (doc)